Was it aliens?
Lately, there has been a lot of talk and news stories about UFOs and aliens. The government has acknowledged "that UFOs exist," and in one article the headline says the government is "worried."
The Washington Post, National Geographic, The NY Times, Politico, GQ, NY Magazine, BBC, and NPR, amongst others, have all run stories about UFOs existing. Why?
Well, if you're me, you're 'psh-ing' because you believe this is a set-up. For what, you may ask? And I will answer, 'as an explanation for the Rapture.'
Our Pastor touched on this yesterday, but my circle and myself have been speculating this for years. It just wasn't until lately that we have noticed the uptick in mentions.
Most of you know that I believe we are in the Last Days. Too many things are coming to pass to ignore. Pestilences, famine, diseases, earthquakes, extreme weather, they all point to the season of Christ's return. Then we add in a world-wide pandemic, and all of a sudden we have an inoculation to 'keep you from dying from the virus,' to 'it will lessen the chances of you dying.' Masks were implemented, businesses were shut down, the populations were told to stay indoors. All over a virus with a 99.99% survivability rate. Yes, I understand the thousands upon thousands who have died from the virus. I know it's real, I as well as my daughter were hospitalized with it. But am I afraid of it? No. I know it exists, I know it kills and weakens, but I refuse to be in fear.
Now, governments all around the world are talking about having to have a vaccine card. You cannot travel internationally without it. You cannot dine in some States without it. You cannot have an education in some States without it...and add in the UFO thing? Something smells in the state of Denmark, and it ain't the cheese.
If you read the Apocalyptic Books of the Bible, you will see the things that are going on right now have been spelled out in black and white in those books. It is altogether exciting and frightening, but the Child of God should not be fearful. This just means we're closer to Home than we've ever been. Which brings me to my beginning statement. Was it aliens?
God has assured His people that 'on that day' that the dead in Christ will rise, and that we who are alive will be caught up with them in the air, and that we will forever be with Jesus. We will escape the horrors that are about to be unleashed upon the earth and those who dwell there.
The Antichrist will be on scene then, if not before the Rapture, and will be in power for seven years. In that seven years, three and a half of it will be some sort of peace. There will be One World powers in place, and it will seem as if the world has actually, finally achieved peace. After that three and a half years, literally all hell will break loose. Then the end.
As for the millions upon millions who will one day disappear without a trace? Well, remember the title of this? Was it aliens? I will tell you that I have no doubt in my mind that the government and powers that be will try to convince the public that's exactly what happened. How else would such a large group of people, more importantly, those pesky Christians, have disappeared all at once? It could only be explained away with the use of alien abduction. And the sad part is, people will accept that explanation.
Folks, things are being set up for the Rapture and the End of Times faster than they ever have. The pandemic seems to be one of the triggers, at least I think so. The time to accept Christ in your lives is now. Don't wait until you've cleaned up your act. Don't think you are beyond redemption. Find someone to tell you about Christ. Go to a Bible believing, Bible teaching church and listen to the sermons. Read the Bible for yourselves and ask God to open your understanding. Don't wait. Because one day, millions upon millions will be gone in a flash, and you will not be in that number. Here are some chapters in the Bible that will show you what I'm talking about:
1 Corinthians 4
1 John 2
Daniel 12
Isaiah 46
John 6
Jude 1
Luke 18
Romans 10
Hebrews 1
2 Peter 3
1 Timothy 4
and finally
Revelation 21
That's just a small sampling.
Please, even if you're rolling your eyes at this post, please at least read one or two of these chapters. If you don't have a Bible, go online to my.bible.com or any of the other Bible apps out there and read these chapters. Time is short.
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