The Sower and the Seed

 In Luke 8:4-8, Jesus talks about the Sower and the Seed. Notice that both words are capitalized. No, they aren't in the Bible, but maybe they should be. You see, both the Sower and the Seed are persons; the Sower is the one who proclaims the Gospel, the Seeds are the ones who receive the Word.

There are four locations and results regarding the Seeds. Some fell on the wayside where the birds ate the seeds. They are stepped on and ground into the ground, they are the ones who Satan blinds so that they may not be saved.

Some fell among rocks. They grew but eventually withered. Those are the ones who have received the Word of God, and rejoiced, but when the going got tough, they got going. They had no root, nothing that held them fast in the ground, and as a result, the shiny things got their attention, and they left the joy they received behind, fully believing that this was a better deal.

Some fell among thorns, which grew up around them and choked them out. They are the ones who are fraught with the cares of life, pursue riches to the point of distraction and make it their goal to get more. They look to the pleasures, always seeking the next feel good moment, while avoiding as much as possible the things that are unpleasant. They don't share the Gospel, and as a result never have "fruit" produced, much like a lemon tree that is matured, yet never produces fruit. Sure, there are all kinds of flowers, and the smell is wonderful, but unless it produces lemons, it's existence is moot. 

Then there are those who fell on good ground. They are the ones who accepted the Word of God, and became rooted. When they became rooted, they grew, they produced fruit. These are the ones who give to those in need, who love without condition, who testify to the One who gave them not only physical life, but spiritual life as well. 

As for the Sower, this is the one who spread the "seed", or the Word of God. Who has testified of His goodness, and have invited others to receive and experience the freedom from the shackles of sin for themselves. 

So, why am I giving a Bible study? Because lately I've seen way too many Christian friends being pulled away from their first Love. Some have allowed trials and tribulations to get the best of them. Instead of laying everything at God's feet, they are determined to do things on their own timetable, with their own abilities. As a result, they have decided within themselves that God has no interest in them or their problems, so why should they bother with God?

Some have received God's Word, and for a while seem to have it all together. They are joyful, read His Word, but nothing ever roots in. When stresses come, or perhaps temptations appear, it's as if they never knew Him at all.

Then there are those who fell on ground and grew, but the thorns of this world choked them out. They know who God is, they know who Jesus is. They read their Bible, sometimes many times in the day, but the devil is clever. He brings things into view and super-sugarcoats them. The ugly, the twisted, the things meant to draw them away from God he makes shiny, pretty, desirable. These are the ones I see the most. They engage in crystals, believing they have the power to heal. They are merely pretty rocks, sometimes perhaps gems, but Satan has put in their minds that certain ones heal certain things. They engage in smudging, believing that burning herbs or plants (sage, cedar, sweetgrass or tobacco leaves) will heal the body, heart, mind and soul. They watch programs which deal with the things that are paranormal, deal with witchcraft or the supernatural. They read books on the same lines, and encourage their children to do the same, producing a legacy that does not believe that these things do harm spiritually. They do. Then they begin to fall away. Not all at once, oh no! Satan would not make it that obvious! Instead, little by little they forsake God and His Salvation and grace. They choose to stay home instead of  gathering with others in joint worship and study. "What's one (Saturday, Sunday)? God knows my heart". The thing is, He does know their hearts. Certainly there are those who cannot go to church for one reason or another. They are not tired of God and His Word, they rejoice in their salvation through grace. 

 "I can worship God anywhere, anytime. I don't need a building to do that." This is true, about worshipping Him anytime, anywhere, and perhaps a building isn't necessary, however... 

The Bible says to not forsake the gathering of ourselves together for worship, and the edifying of one another (my paraphrase). Hebrews 10:25 has the exact wording. 

Bottom line is this; don't let Satan win. He will do everything he can, throw at you all the shiny stuff, even try to choke you out, deceiving you to the point of despair and hopelessness. DO NOT LET HIM WIN! Give God your hand, let Him hold it. If you take His hand, you are likely to let go, but the God of all creation will never let go. He will keep a firm grip and you will be able to stand through all of the trials and tribulations, the deceptions and temptations. Yes, we will be distracted here and there, but He will lead you, sometimes gently, sometimes with a 2x4, but He will always lead you back to Him. 

The time is short. Jesus may return today, tomorrow, or not for some time, but HE IS COMING BACK!  And when He does, there's going to be havoc everywhere. What we see now with society is mild compared to what the Bible says will happen.

So, what say you? Are you going to be with those who Christ will gather when He comes back, or are you going to be left in the chaos and danger of a very strange new existence with no compass, no support? Salvation through grace, accepting Jesus as your Savior is the only way to avoid all of that. Will your life be roses and sunshine? Nope, it may certainly be harder, but your end result will be eternity in Heaven, instead of eternity in Hell.

Smoking or non-smoking? Your decision.


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