
Showing posts from March, 2013

**sigh** "Eeyore" came to visit this week

Eeyore is what I have called my down days for quite a while now. You know how he is, always in a gloomy mood, a little black rain cloud following him around. Well, Eeyore came around about Wednesday, really was gloomy on Thursday and is still hanging around, but he's been pretty quiet for the most part. Let's get this straight; I don't like being in the dumps. I hate depression. When I'm in this phase, it usually accompanies a nasty flare-up and I'm so weepy and short tempered that it scares Mouse. Thursday, I had to cry in the shower so I wouldn't alarm her and I was in there for a good hour. The water had gotten cold by then and quite honestly I wasn't finished, but I was better enough to function. I don't know how others function with this part of the fibro, to me its debilitating. I can't function beyond the basics. I'm short tempered, weepy, in short, I'm a mess. The only  way that I got through Thursday without curling up in a corner...

Don't do the Don't.....

How many times have you heard your parents say "don't"? How many times have you thought or said "why"? Alrighty then....discussion time.... What part of don't do you not understand? It is a contraction, meaning it is parts of two different and not....what part of that don't you understand? The "not" part? OK, well, then, let's elaborate on the word. Let's look at some definitions of the word "not": (From World Students Dictionary) Main Entry:         not Pronunciation:  (')nät Function:             adverb 1 -- used to make a word or group of words negative not here> 2 -- used to stand for the negative of a group of words that comes before not> (From Cambridge International Dictionary of English) not   Show phonetics adverb 1 used to form a negative phrase after verbs like 'be', 'can', 'have', 'will', 'must', etc....

There is a new headline today making the rounds...

...and it has me bothered. Not so much for me, but for those who will be severely affected by it; my folks and my brother and sister in law. The headline (Martial law: Tucson City Council Hands Authority over to Military), is alarming in the fact that the general population of the city hasn't a clue this is happening. Davis-Monthan Air Force Base is located in the southern part of Tucson, AZ. When I lived in Tucson, I worked not too far from there at the airport where sometimes the fighter jets would use the runways for "touch and go" practice. Those babies are loud, enough so to break the sound barrier and probably pierce a few eardrums for those unlucky enough not to be wearing hearing protection. After reading the article (link here:  ) I guess you could say that I have no words that would even come close to the alarm that I feel. You know, in the Bible, in Ma...