Sometimes fluff is just what is needed.
I like fluff. I like things that are whipped and sweet. I like the extra gravy. I like the extras that life brings my way. Sometimes fluff is all there is and there's nothing more to it than a pretty sight and air. As a person with what the world calls a disability, fluff is a bonus on days that you think that fluff doesn't exist. When my back is not going to cooperate with me in the mornings, I have to look for my fluff. Sometimes what I find is Snickers, who actually is good for the back when she walks on it (she runs about 10-11 pounds), sometimes all I get is a pup who can't control her licker. Sometimes that pulls the kink out, more times than not it makes it worse and I gimp through-out the day, but the love of my animals makes me smile and adds to my fluff pile! =o) On days that my hips and legs are not my friends, the fluff isn't as easy to find. Those are the days that I want to lay in bed, cry and have an enormous pity party. Fluff avoids me like the plagu...