
Showing posts from August, 2012

Good morning world from sunny Okinawa!

Well, I thought that we had a tsunami warning this morning but it was cancelled, praise God! However, do pray for the folks in the Philippines, they got hit with a 7.9 earthquake last night, as if they didn't have enough damage to recover from lately. I have extended family there, so they are definitely on my mind and in my prayers. So, since my last post, its been mostly rainy here until yesterday when we actually had some really nice weather. The girls and I went to the beach and I sat in the water sifting through sand looking for coral for over an hour and nothing...nada...not even a tan line. Go figure! Lol! However, I did find some really pretty coral pieces and a little fish kept swimming around my toes and coming close to my stomach and just checking me out. I would talk to it and it would swim away just to come back up to see what I was doing. It was awesome! I was laughing at it and praising God at the curiosity of that little bugger! Khloe actually went with me into t...

Live from soaking wet Okinawa!

So, here it is day four of being here helping out Beth with the kids after her surgery. For those of you who didn't know, she had to have a small gravel pit taken out, more commonly known as her gall bladder. Since this is a surgery, outpatient yes, but surgery nonetheless, she is not allowed to lift more than ten pounds.....both of the babies are over ten pounds. Plus for Grandma, minus for Mama. Anyway, what she didn't tell me on the phone is that I was going to experience my first Super Typhoon. I have to say, right now, after having experienced first Katrina and then Ike, I'm not impressed. For the moment there's just a lot of wind and rain, but I understand that in less than two hours the main nastiness of the typhoon will be hitting our corner of the Island. I have been watching this storm, which is at this point seven hundred miles wide and a category 4 storm, on the satellite. Its a slow moving storm that seems to have stayed steady the entire time its been mo...

An observer on observations....

Travelling makes for an interesting day. There has never been a time that I haven’t had an eyebrow raised or a smile on my face while I am people watching in an airport. Airports, I find, have a plethora of individuals to watch, obviously, and I dare say that even Sigmund Freud would have a field day with the many phobias, isms, and the like to write many, many papers and books. Take for example this couple that was waiting to board the flight I was on. He was wheelchair bound and rather big, in both height and girth, and she was petite, couldn’t have weighed more than 105 soaking wet, and yet here she was pushing her beloved towards the boarding gate until the gate agent stopped her. The agent then called for assistance for this couple so that the little old lady and her not so little old man could get on board safely. The determination in her face to make sure that her husband was taken care of was obvious and the love that he had for her was even more obvious, although it seemed ...

A room with an amazing view

While reading my daily devotional I was struck with a verse that was totally off subject I thought. Today's verse came from the book of Hebrews 11:8-16 ( 8  By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.  9  By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as  in  a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise;  10  for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker  is  God. 11  By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child [ a ]  when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.  12  Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born  as many  as the stars of the sky in multitude—innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore. 13  These all died in faith, not...

How can someone who by most reports is intelligent be such a doggone dingbat?

I really want to know the answer to that question. I mean, really? One would think that if you are smart enough to take something apart and put it back together without any extra parts laying around that you're at least batting out of the box some. Seriously. Sure there are times when curiosity gets the best of you, but really? I have a new hobby....going to a local auction. The house is owned by my former boss' mom and her husband. My old boss is the manager of the house. I decided that it would be fun to go a couple of times to see what they did. I hadn't been to an auction since I was a kid when I had gone to a police auction with my dad. It was there that I bid on and won a jacket, faux fur, that fit me like it was made for me. I've liked auctions since, just had never gone to a live one. The closest that I ever got to one was on EBay. So, now I go every Saturday, and I've set myself a spending limit so that I can control what I bid on. Since I take a gander t...

Sometimes the quiet after everyone is asleep is not good.

Like tonight. My mood has been iffy for days, almost like I'm willing someone to challenge me or give me a good reason to lose my composure and break down in tears. Since I've been on the fibromyalgia medicine the instances have been few and far between, but there are still days that totally over-ride it. Today was one of them. It started pretty early...about five hours after I went to bed and six hours after I took my night-time bp meds. I figured that I was pretty safe with the six hours between doses and took my second dose after I brushed my teeth. Yeah, not a really good idea. I felt the drop as I started to lose focus and get dizzy. When I went to take my blood pressure I found that my bp monitor had died. No problem, new batteries, still dead. Peachy. So I decided that one of the things that I needed to do soon is to get a new monitor. Now that I think of it some fourteen hours later, I absolutely forgot. Such is my memory lately. After breakfast with my buddy, Mouse...

When working toward the solution of a problem, it always helps if you know the answer. Provided, of course, that you know there is a problem.

I have come to grips with the fact that the infamous "Murphy" of Murphy's Law must somehow be related to me. I say this because his "law" sure has a strangle hold in my life. When you look up Murphy's Law in the dictionary, you can bet that it will cross-reference with me, just saying. I have to say, first off, that I love my life...I love my husband, my children, grandchildren, parents, brother....all of them and my relatives and friends. This is above all the most wonderful blessings that God has given me. I am constantly amazed at the other blessings in my life, the Beast being one of them, my dorky cats and all of the other blessings, material and financial that God has seen fit to allow me. That said...I really think that I must be mishandling stuff somehow. Case in point. When I got the Beast, I question the legitimacy of God's provision...only for a moment or two, mind you, but question it I did. He was faithful to hear my prayers of getting u...