Who I is and who I ain't......
Let's get something straight here. I am a Christian; a card carrying, Bible toting Christian. Yes, I have a Bible with me wherever I go, its an app on my phone and I use it....a lot. If you didn't know that before, you do now. If you stop following my blog because of it, then I won't stop you, even if I could. I am not a hater. There are very very few people in this world that I hate. In fact, I can only think of two, and they, as well as God know the reasons. There is no reason for me to tell anyone else about it, at this point this issue is between me and God, and we're working on it. I try not to be judgmental. I fail at that a good portion of the time. I'm human, I fail. When I'm judgmental verbally and am called on the carpet for it, I will try to explain why I am that way. Most times, I'm convicted in my opinion, whether by the person I'm speaking with or by the Holy Spirit, either way, I have to examine my motives and adjust where necessary. ...