Melancholy: Suggestive or expressive of sadness or depression of mind or spirit. Causing or tending to cause sadness or depression of mind or spirit. Depressed in spirits; dejected; sad. Yup, that pretty much defines my mood today. I woke up with the weepies, along with being very sore and stiff and all it took was a neighbor dog to send me into a tail-spin. I know that sometimes the "downs" will hit with the fibromyalgia, but this hit just a bit beyond that. It felt for all it was worth that I was grieving for Draco, my Australian Shepherd and Kona, my lab puppy all over it happened yesterday. Shaking it, no matter how I have tried is an exercise in futility. I reached out to God through prayer and my spirit is now calmed, but I still feel the grief and I feel it hard. At the end of next month I will be able to have a puppy in the house again. For those of you who do not know, Kona, my lab puppy had parvovirus and we were under quarantine for six month...