OK, lets get this straight....
Just like a number of other things, fibromyalgia is unique in everybody. Just because one person suffers in one way, doesn't mean that this is a cookie cutter disease, syndrome or whatever you want to call it. Personally, mine, while pretty much controlled by a very good pharmaceutical developed specifically for fibromyalgia, still has quite a few times when it rears its ugly head. I also have carpal tunnel syndrome in both arms, arthritis in both hips and knees, so when it hits, it seems to hit those areas that are more prone to pain in the first place. Right now, I have limited feeling in my pinkie and ring finger of my left hand, which makes things like typing difficult since I type by touch, trying to find the letters a, s, z, and x are fun. On occasion I have the pleasure of feeling like my skin is being washed off in the shower, although that has only happened a couple of times, and the "fibro fog" and dizziness are more of a problem than I would care to admit. ...